So I started of with the commander of the artilery battery, the nob (so far without name) and his mascot.
Since I wanted the special pose shown in the previous sketch I couldn't really use a off the shelf nob for this - I also want him to be bigger, yet smaller than a real boss. So with some cutting and pining I created the base for the nob.

Then I started to flesh him out and fill the gaps - wiht my standard IG stormtrooper for scale.

There's still a lot of filling and forming to do, but the basic shape is there.
Next was the face. Again, the standard Nob head seems a bit small, so he will have to be altered. Cutting away the ponytail and an ear, I prepped the head.

Then I "jack-palance'ed" him, by giving him a strong chin, large jaws and some extra cheekbones - together with the tiny nose, he reminds me of Jack Palance *grin*
As you can see, his left ear is missing - and will remain so.

After the ear- and noserings I started to add the base for a cap.

It will be one of those large soviet style ones.
Basically he'll be in a conquerers pose on a Space Marine helmet. He's a compelte scratch sculpt.